"Viva" asks not to broadcast photos of Hassnawat during the World Cup .. And why?


The International Television Federation (FIFA) has asked television channels and their correspondents not to broadcast images of "cheerleaders" during the World Cup on television to limit the problems related to badual harbadment .

"FIFA will ask local broadcasters and their TV production teams not to broadcast such footage and footage during the next matches," said Federico Adicchi, Director of Diversity and Sustainability at FIFA.

"Network against racism in football in Europe", e "Racism has always been the problem that is so common during the World Cup". "The problems of badual harbadment are the most recalcitrant of the World Cup," he said.

million. Boer added that the treatment of women's teams and women was one of the most debated topics. The agency also cited unidentified experts saying that "incidents of discrimination and badual harbadment" in the stands of fans become more dangerous than racism.

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