My wish opens the door to a close withdrawal from Syria – Spider Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


Who will respond to the need of

Moscow – Ali Akbar Velayati, senior adviser to the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, opens the door to a possible withdrawal of Iranian elements and allied militias in Syria Under pressure from US-Israel increased, when he stressed Friday that his country will withdraw "military advisers" from Syria and Iraq immediately if such is the desire governments of both countries.

This Iranian stance is part of the stabilization of relations with Russia and the need to open a niche in the wall of these sanctions and to encourage it to invest in the Iranian oil, according to his wishes on Thursday. The two countries.

At the annual session of the Valde Forum in Moscow, Velayati declared that Iran's military presence in Syria and Iraq was limited to the consultative role, underlining his country's willingness to withdraw its "advisers" if Damascus and Baghdad asked him.

The Iranian Supreme Leader's adviser said that his country would face what he termed "US expansion" of Syria and Iraq in Lebanon, Yemen and in North Africa.

He said that those who say that Russia wants Iran to leave Syria are meant to achieve unity between Moscow and Tehran.

He explained that if Iran and Russia are now coming out of Syria, terrorism will regain control, noting that "Russia and Iran have helped to release 80% of Syrian territory from terrorists. "

According to badysts, Khamenei's adviser sought to ease the embarrbadment for Russia and to anticipate any sudden movement of Moscow in the light of the ambiguity of the Russian position and of the continuation of Israeli statements on the acceptance of the Russian idea to withdraw Iranian forces from Syria.

Andrei Kurtonov: Iran's agreement to withdraw its troops from Syria is questionable

Iran is deeply concerned about the ambiguity of Russia's position on this is happening with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or with the administration A few days before the summit of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Donald Trump.

It seemed clear that my term linked his country's presence in Syria to the Russian presence, suggesting that the program of direct intervention and its objectives are the same for Tehran and Moscow.

While observers underestimate the Russian pressure on Iran to withdraw completely from Syria, they stress that it is in Moscow 's interest to put pressure on the country. Iran to withdraw from the Syrian border and limit its forces in Lebanon. Russia must solve this existence.

Observers tend to say that the most logical is that Russia draws red lines defining the square of action against Iran, such as helping to chase the remaining elements of the call, but it will be difficult to fight at the border.

Andrei Kurtonov, chairman of Russia's International Affairs Council, a research group advising the Kremlin, has ruled out the departure of Iranian troops from Syria.

Kurtonov told the New York Times: "Even if Putin were working to expel the Iranians from Syria, it would take Tehran's approval."

stresses that Russian pressure can not do much in this regard: "Iranian forces can be deported 50, 80 or even 100 kilometers from the Golan Heights, but if the military equipment remains there and the territory remains under the control of the regime's forces, the Iranian forces are difficult. "

My goal was to ask Russia's help to disrupt the new US sanctions against Tehran and reduce its impact by proposing to Moscow to go to war. invest in the Iranian oil sector to offset the withdrawal of Western companies Threats of the Trump administration.

On Friday, Velayati revealed that Putin had expressed his country's willingness to invest $ 50 billion in the Iranian oil and gas sector, which economists viewed as a qualitative step to break the US blockade before the November 4th. Washington's efforts to put pressure on its ally Tehran.

But spokesman for the Russian presidency Dmitry Peskov denied Khamenei's comments, saying he could not confirm my remarks about Putin's willingness to invest in energy in Iran.

Piskov told reporters, in response to a request to comment my remarks and "I can not confirm it, and more, I can not say anything more detailed."

Putin said that "Putin said that Russia is ready to invest $ 50 billion in the oil and gas sector, and replace the place of companies that have left Iran."

One of the major Russian oil companies is close to a $ 4 billion deal with Iran: "I started negotiations with the Russian Rosneft and Gazprom for 10 billions of dollars, "he said.

Source: The Arabs of London

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