Elissa and Yara .. What is the story of the stolen song?


Elissa and Yara .. What is the story of the stolen song? According to the Nile, the site of the Al-Wasat newspaper, containing the news of Elissa and Yara, tells you what is the story of the stolen song?

Al-Wasat – There are reciprocal accusations of theft and imitation between the artists Elissa and Yara regarding the song launched by the first title entitled "All who love me" and says that his melody is stolen from a Yara song.

To inform, Al Arabiya.net contacted the directors of the works of the two artists, contacting the director of business Elissa Amin Abi Yaghi who declined to comment on what was said or written and proved that he could not stop the comments, criticisms or accusations about the means of communication What usually happens after the broadcast of all the speech to Elisa, so she will not say and he will not say anything about everything that has been raised.

Tony Semaan, who works for Rotana, producer of Elisa's album, proved that Elissa not only performed the song "All That Leaves Me" two days ago and does not say if the accusations relate specifically to this song.

"Arabic.Net" also continued with the composer Tarek Abojouda is the director of the artist Yara, who in turn proved not to know what is being raised or said in the communication sites and not will say nothing neither he nor the artist Yara.

Elissa is preparing to release her new album on July 25, which includes more than 15 songs in Lebanese and Egyptian songs, including "I'm Alone", "Many" and "Hakayat".

Elissa finished shooting the song "Kol Elly Behebouni" with director Anji Gamal, Al-Wasat newspaper and collaborated with her in a larger clip, including "Ya Mrayeti".

"Elissa never tires"
In contact with director Angie Gamal, she refused to give complete information about the content and the story of the clip at the request of Elissa, but proved that the story was "new and moving".

Angie said that it took more than 20 days for the video clip to be ready to be exhibited, a photo in different Lebanese rice regions, Jounieh and Ashrafieh, and will include a "photographer story".

The director pointed out that working with Elisa made him "creative and creative" because Elisa brought with him a sense of strength and strength, "an honest, modest and professional human being" and explained that They became friends.

It should be noted that the artists Yara and Elissa come from the same city of Beirut, the city of Deir al-Ahmar in the Bekaa.


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Source: Nilin

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