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Scientists created the most accurate measure to extend the universe and found a very strange result.
NASA scientists used two space telescopes to work at the expense of growth and growth of the universe.

But the new exact measure has actually led to more confusion and suspicion, as there is a strange incompatibility in the recent values ​​that scientists have reached with regard to the expansion of the I & # 39; universe, discovery that could indicate the existence of a new physics. Fully based on the universe, waiting to be found.

She said Mysterious results can be caused by dark matter, dark energy is more unusual than previously thought, or there is a new unknown particle in space .

The more precise the measurements, the more the differences The results that emerge from the different methods of measuring the rate of expansion are contradictory.
After contradictory and different results, scientists seemed worried that this was due to false calculations in the measurement of the Hubble constant. Discoverer, changes the way the universe develops. NASA relies on data obtained from the Planck mission of the European Space Agency, against new data from the Hubble Astronomical Observatory.
Adam Rees, Nobel Laureate in Astronomy and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland: "It seems that tension has become a state of total incompatibility between our views of the world from the beginning and from the beginning. the end, and at this point, it is obvious that the results are verified, and surprisingly both are valid. "19659003]" Seems like you predict the size of a baby You will be accepted as a growth plan, and then you will find that the adult has far exceeded expectations, we are very confused. "

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