The General Labor Union Honors the Media Nawal L Battalions


In the afternoon of last Friday, the Federation of Labor honored Nawal Lisha Abboud, Deputy Director of Programs and Head of the Department of Broadcasters and Broadcasters of 100.3 and 100.5 FM Voice of Lebanon Radio, in recognition of his daily show High Point. A representative of the Lebanese Phalan Party, MP Sami Gemayel, Fadi Baghdadi, representative of Beirut Governor Ziyad Shabib, director and program producer Michel Michels, members of the executive bureau and a host of trade unionists and others

The ceremony began with a speech by Al-Asmar, in which he praised the radio site and its impact on the Lebanese public opinion: "When honest media meet the deliberate struggle, the voice becomes much more efficient.
He added: "The General Union of Workers is in a state of conservation, Welcome to the Secretary of Media Noual Licha Abboud, Deputy Director of Programs and Head of Broadcasters at Voice of Lebanon-Ashrafieh and Vice President of Byblos Club at the Lebanese Federation of Business Women and Global Professionals of the General Federation of Labor and the Faithful

We are all workers, not all of them, let Lebanon become a workshop and not a workshop luxury in place, time spent, wasteful and corrupt everywhere and at any time.If the rulers become workers of a single employer named Lebanon, they unfortunately transfer Lebanon with its facilities and wealth to the rulers, and the days of events, they make Lebanon a merry-go-round, a dairy cow and a substance to be engaged without any expense Legislation forbidding a future scientific vision. " First, to agree on the fundamental axioms of legislation, the legislation of Lebanese sovereignty, Lebanese law as a state, the human state, and not the law. 39, state of sects, a nation that is not a state of doctrine, a state of citizens. "

Here is the journalist Bbadam Barak, an influential message to his colleague Abboud, through his official Facebook site, where he says:

"I can not speak to her voice except when she reads you behind the radio and listens for a moment Is it a time of war? Yes .. Where was the performance painted a smile on the air hole .. Is it after the war? Yes, as Sabla remains wheat wheats, she gave the radio sun in the morning after a long night and the ashes of sad news.
Nawal Abboud .. In front of his daily human, social and national manifestations with professionalism and engagement with a point on the line,
I stayed here in the voice of Lebanon for three decades – where we were built with his community after learning about his career on the radio and supported when I was an individual in the middle section of the nineties is responsible – she stayed no stay in one place, but make this place his time and give him "Nawalha "weaving his voice with the woven flail of the Bekaa Valley and hesitating in the Lebanese space and beyond ..
Nawal Aboud .. And reporters – unite around your name and write – in the air with your voice and your voice, after which we will have no more … a point on the line. " congratulates his colleague Abboud on this honor and wishes him more Success and brilliance


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