Home Politics After the intentions of codification in Lebanon .. A pharmacist demonstrates the medical uses of cannabis


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A case of controversy, accompanied by what was revealed on Wednesday the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, that the House of Representatives is preparing to approve bills to legislate on banned cannabis cultivation as part of official efforts to promote the Lebanese economy.

Regarding the use of cannabis, the Lebanese government decided to develop cannabis in Lebanon as part of a plan to promote the Lebanese economy. Kaala Dr. Ahmed El Bari, Head of the Department of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine of Beni Suef University, Specialist in Clinical Pharmacology, stated that cannabis already has medicinal uses and that the human body contains receptors for cannabis called endogenous cannabino. Al-Bari tells al-Watan that cannabis currently has two medical uses, the first is the treatment of chemotherapy-related vomiting for cancer patients and the second one uses it as an anesthetic or badgesic for acute pain badociated with chemical or post-operative pain. Dornabinol "or" Nabinol ".

Aside from the two former uses," The study of some other uses of cannabis studied and experienced, such as its use in the treatment of arthritis, the treatment of epilepsy, prostate enlargement and other research still under study and under medical supervision, has not yet been approved by WHO. 1965-1989] Economists in Lebanon predict that legislation on the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes will cost the Treasury 3 billion dollars a year, added to its budget, and help to resolve the economic crises that have been staggering since 2011. [19659003] In Lebanon, one of the flourishing cultures during free trade A law was promulgated to punish those who sell cannabis: Article 11 of the Narcotics Act No. 673 of 1998 states: "Cultivation of opium poppy and Coke, cannabis plant and generally all plants that produce drugs, whether in seed form or at all other stages of their growth."

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