Weather at the beginning of the week


The Meteorology Department of the Civil Aviation Administration predicted that Monday's weather would be from a few clouds to partly cloudy, with an additional rise in temperature and the onset layers of fog on the highlands in the morning. According to the following bulletin:

– General situation: The summer climate controls the eastern basin of the Mediterranean, is affected in the coming days by a gradual increase in temperature

– Expected time in Lebanon: Sunday: Partly cloudy clouds with limited temperature rise, active winds and haze on the highlands. Monday: Clouds partly cloudy with increasing temperature and fog layers on the highlands in the morning. Tuesday: Clouds with additional temperature rise

– Expected temperatures: On muds 25 to 35 degrees, above mountains 18 to 30 degrees, inside 19 to 34 degrees.

– Surface wind: Southwesterly, between 10 and 35 km / h

– Decline: Good on the coast, sometimes on the highlands because of the fog.

– Relative humidity of the coast: between 50 and 75%

– Sea State: Corrugated Water Surface Temperature: 29 degrees.

– Atmospheric pressure: 756 mm Hg

– Sunrise time: 5.43 hours Sunset: 19.46

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