Thus, an Arab toast was suspended during the first round of international rights between Qatar and the UAE


Following the great impartiality of the International Court of Justice, the State of Qatar and its citizens, Qatari journalists, writers and academics praised this decision as a victory for justice and values human. The decision of the International Court of Justice on the Qatar issue is a victory of the Doha policy and its leaders against the UAE's involuntary measures against the citizens since the beginning of the Gulf crisis and the embarrbadment of that. countries in international forums. In which the emir is engaged Qatari families are reunited pending a complaint of discrimination filed by the State of Qatar, where Abu Dhabi is conducting discriminatory measures against Qatari nationals since June 5, 2017.

The Court declared that the measures sought by Qatar were acceptable under the Convention against Discrimination.

The court asked Abu Dhabi to allow foreign nationals to enter Abu Dhabi and to allow Qatari students to complete their studies in the United Arab Emirates

The court ordered the UAE to reunite the families separated until the adjournment by the State of Qatar. One (19659002) The first quick reaction to the international resolution on human rights came from the Deputy Prime Minister and Qatari Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, pointed out his Twitter page: "We welcome the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to force the UAE to reunite Qatari families, to complete the education of Qataris and to guarantee the right of Qatari citizens to pursue the UAE."

The decision of the International Court of Justice made public today (19459008) # Qatar Civilization and International Law for Justice

– Mohammed bin Abdulrahman (@ "The State of Qatar today won the first round of his case before the International Court of Justice because of the proceedings, "said Sheikh Ja'an Bin Hamad al-Thani, brother of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani: Racial Discrimination Against the Qataris. "

Sheikh Al-Thani, a group of lawyers and legal experts of the cat

The State of Qatar won today the first round of his case before the International Court of Justice due to discriminatory racial discrimination against Qataris.
Greetings to the team. lawyers and lawyers who did their job effectively. [1959011] Journalist Muhammad al-Kuwari wrote about the dice Decision: "Qatar acted according to the law against any action that was intended to harm it as a state, but when the victim became citizen I went to the highest judicial authority in the world. "

He continued:" Today, by the judgment of the International Court of Justice, "The wounded Qatari citizen will sue the United Arab Emirates government within the United Arab Emirates Thank you for the blessing of the United Arab Emirates. belong to this country. "

Qatari journalist Ahmad al-Sulaiti responded to a tweet to United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash.

He added: "If you did not oppose what the court called for action, what you did against the people of Qatar is very flawed and not the vision of Arab morality.

The Yemeni journalist writer Abbas al-Da'i On the resolution: "The next hearing before the International Court of Justice will prevent Qatari citizens from performing the Hajj, and advocacy will be an entry point for all countries affected by Saudi politics. "

(19459006) The lawsuit will be the gateway to all countries that have been harmed by Saudi Arabia's policy in this regard.

Next trial before The International Court of Justice .. # Qatar They will be dragged into the court of the world's courts and win

Qatar has preserved the rights of its citizens

Darwish Al-Emadi, head of strategy and development at the University of Qatar, said that since the beginning of the crisis, Qatar had a firm and clear position on the province. On the sovereignty and rights of its citizens

Al-Emadi said in statements to the Qatari Gate: "All that has happened to the Qataris because of the unjust siege imposed on the state violates the rights of the Man and international conventions. "

Qatar has before it, except the International Tribunal, after closing the doors of dialogue to reach a peaceful solution, expressing

The media Hamad Al Fayyad said: "The decision of the International Tribunal to take measures Provisions against the UAE in the case of illegal and discriminatory treatment against Qatari citizens proves the extent of the error of the measures taken by the United States. "We were proud that the Gulf is a family and that 39, a blood has family ties, which prevents any difference, but unfortunately, what we saw from the blockade countries in general was shameful and shocking. "

] In turn, the press writer Abdul Aziz Mohammed considered that the decision of the court

Mohamed emphasized that the decision of the International Tribunal obliges the United Arab Emirates to take temporary measures that would harm the Qataris affected by its procedures. Rectors, especially the common family, property owners and students

It should be noted that the UAE after the outbreak of the Gulf crisis in June 2017 proceeded to a mbadive expulsion of all Qataris and forbade them to enter or cross their territory.

Qatar claimed by the International Court of Justice, And also claims damages for damages [ad_2]
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