The annual salary .. The dilemma of choosing the new coach of Egypt


A member of the Egyptian Football Federation Essam Abdel Fattah confirmed on the ceiling of the annual salary of the new coach of about 1.5 million dollars, noting that the announcement of his name will be in the week.

Abdel Fattah, a member of the tripartite committee to select the new coach, said Wednesday in a statement: "There is a demand of $ 3.5 million a year and another $ 4.5 million … while the federation depends solely on its resources. "
"But we have set a certain cap so that the new coach's new salary is a little over a million and a half dollars."

Abdel Fattah said: "The Union will reach the name of the new coach and will announce it within 72 hours and one week at the latest."

He pointed out that "the meeting of the Football Federation yesterday included a lengthy discussion on the process of selecting the next coach in addition to discussing the conclusions of Hazem Imam Council member with the coaches who were negotiating with them."

The contract with Argentina's Hector Cooper was not renewed after a frustrating World Cup in Russia where the team suffered three consecutive defeats of Uruguay, Russia and Saudi Arabia in the first round.

The union is divided between four trainers: Jose Luis Pinto, Kiki Sanchez Flores, Javier Aguirre and Vohid Halilozic.

Egypt's participation in the 2018 World Cup ensured the local federation $ 8 million.

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