National Berri refuses to receive them, who are they?


Berri: There is still no room for them in Ain al-Tinah, and there is no difference between them and who represent

Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri decided to teach to international personalities. The United Nations in Lebanon, including the United Nations Representative in Lebanon, Bernell Diller Cardel, and the Commander of the International Forces (FINUL) outgoing Michael Perry, and after the imposition of the land, the penalty of "blocking the 39, entrance of Ain al-Tina ", where" he refuses Deeply dissatisfied with their excesses ", according to the newspaper" Aljama "In the details, and regarding the representative of the United Nations in Lebanon, Bernell Daeller Cardel first, Berri reveals, quoting the newspaper, that Cardel had requested a meeting, saying "But I refused to meet them and probably I would not receive them anymore". "She erased it and put an X on her name."

As to the reasons for this, Berry emphasizes that Cardel "exceeded his limits in his behavior and thus harmed the United Nations and its role before offending Lebanon". Some time ago, I felt that they conformed to Israeli policy to the detriment of our rights and our borders. "I told him that there is no sound recording to confirm my words, but usually things that concern me are in my head, and I'm sure you did such a thing. obligation."

In addition, Kardel's actions led to a suspicion of the land, as it "violated the diplomatic badets and objective facts when they visited the Lebanese figures, and bore the responsibility of resolving the border dispute with the Israeli occupation entity … "

Berri refused to receive the commander of the international forces operating in southern Lebanon (UNIFIL) Mr. Perry Berri, who recently requested a date for his meeting, reveals that his "decisive and firm" position of Perry is due to the fact that he participated in the celebration of the Israeli entity of the so-called "independence" and national consciousness ". He also congratulated Twitter for congratulating Israel on this occasion, unaware that he is the commander of UNIFIL in Lebanon and that this role requires a different behavior and takes into account the position and feelings of the Lebanese who paid dearly for it. Israeli aggression. "

Saying:" Some international staff members act arrogantly and haughtily When they come on mission to Lebanon, as they are stronger and more important than the Lebanese officials, they badume that ". they can at any time visit presidents or ministers and they will make immediate appointments, but they are deceiving themselves. "The dignity of Lebanon is superior to all of them, and I do not agree with who they are and who they represent, because I do not count anyone, big or small, about the best interests and the national feelings. "

From the nature of their perception of my enemy, and so on I base my options. "

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