722 Syrian refugees returned home


The General Directorate of Lebanese General Security announced that the number of refugees
Syrians who voluntarily left Lebanon on Saturday return home
Syria has 722 Syrian refugees living in Middle Bekaa and Shab & # 39;
And its surroundings

The Lebanese General Security said in a statement tonight that he was coordinating
With the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and in the presence of his delegates, and return badured
From this lot of Syrians moved to Syrian territory through the crossing (factory)

For more than a month, Lebanese public security has been conducting an insurance operation
Voluntary repatriation of Syrian refugees wishing to return to their city
And their cities in Syria, in coordination with UNHCR, and the registration of names and numbers,
And the coordination with the Syrian security authorities regarding the modalities of their return in batches and stages

Major General Abbas Ibrahim, Director of Lebanese Public Security, declared
The number of Syrian refugees wishing to return home is increasing, he added.
That the conditions of the Syrians who have already returned to Syria encourage the rest to return,
Especially that "the mechanism we follow with Syrian officials to protect them even
After their return
. "

The crisis of Syrian displacement in the interior of Lebanon is one of the most urgent crises
The Lebanese state, where Lebanese officials emphasize that the economy and infrastructure
The security and social conditions in the country have been severely affected by this crisis, and
Lebanon is no longer able to bear the consequences of the presence of about one and a half million Syrian refugees
More than a quarter of the country's population, and there is a similar consensus in the currents
And Lebanese political forces and parties – despite differences and differences
Between them – the need to urgently start the return of refugees to "the areas
Safe inside Syria "and preserve their dignity and security, especially as most of the land
Syria has become under the control of the state, which has been able to achieve great success against the organizations
Terrorist groups and armed groups

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