Why does Lebanon launch tanks in the sea?


It would seem illogical for environmentalists to throw ten old tanks off a city trying to find a solution to a major problem of waste disposal

But that's not the case. This is exactly what a group did in the Lebanese city of Sidon. Attract more tourists to the region, and also create a new refuge for wildlife in the Mediterranean.

Spectators watched the tanks as they landed in the water about three kilometers from the coast on Saturday.

Kamel Kasbar, Friends of Sierra and Sidon Beach, "who runs the project", this place will become a paradise for divers, and "

He hoped that algae would soon cover these reservoirs, that the army gave them a gift, to realize their vision of creating a "submarine park" to be a world away from the beaches that could not escape The rubbish crisis in Lebanon

In January, photographs of piles of rubble thrown on the shores of northern Beirut were published

This project is not only environmental: the group reported that it was directing nozzles to the southern neighbor: Israel

"We l & # 39; we have done in solidarity with the Palestinian people. "

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