Know the best drink for health in winter


The health

Know the best drink for health in winter


Ulrich Niehoff / http: //

Know the best drink for health in winter

Scientists confirmed that the cocoa drink was the best of the cold season, that it had a delicious taste, that it positively affected the body during this difficult time, and that it attenuated the inflammation and its impact on the body. .

According to the report of the European Food Safety Agency, to stay healthy, a person must consume daily 2.5 grams of cocoa powder or 10 grams of dark chocolate.

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Cocoa contains a vitamin that protects the body from many diseases

Scientists at the University of Reading have shown that cocoa consumption stimulates the growth of necessary bacteria and reduces intestinal infections, thus strengthening the immune system.

According to experts, the main benefit of cocoa is its positive effect on nerve cells, helping them to recover and reconnect to the brain, which is very affected by daily stress. Because the winter is cold and the dark period of the day is long, the consumption of cocoa refreshes and improves the mood as well as the resistance to depression because it contains a high proportion of magnesium, which helps with adaptation to nervous tension and relief and sleep.

People who consume cocoa regularly are also less likely than others to develop diabetes and heart disease because cocoa contains flavonoids that renew the mitochondria, the energy center of cells. Cocoa also contains an antioxidant that improves blood circulation in the brain, improves memory and reduces blood pressure.

Source: Forum Medicom

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