Soaps and soft drinks, the most famous. 4 shocking studies on the causes of cancer


Ramallah – National Home
There is no single cause for cancer: cancer can be caused by various factors and the causes of cancer are still largely unknown.

Cancer is a disease that invades neighboring cells and tissues and forms a malignant tumor. This tumor spreads uncontrollably and can infect any body member.

People who have no risk factors can be affected. However, people who follow a healthy lifestyle can have a 40% reduced risk of cancer, so your health is in your hands.

So in this report we present some shocking studies on cancer:

1 – a shocking study on the link between soft drinks and cancer:

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new study shows that daily consumption of soft drinks can increase the incidence of cancer and that obesity is not related to the relationship between drinking and malignant disease.

A study from the University of Melbourne, which examined 3,000 cases, revealed a relationship between a daily soft drink and the risk of cancer.

2 – Toothpaste and soap can cause cancer:

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The use of toothpaste and soap can cause cancer because they contain triclosan and are responsible for colon cancer, according to a recent study.

3 – a shocking study on the results of chemotherapy for cancer:

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A recent study suggests that cancer chemotherapy may be counterproductive, likely to induce more malignant tumors in the patient's body.

US researchers have conducted a study on the effects of the drug on bad cancer patients and found that the drug promotes the transfer of cancer cells to other parts of the body, resulting in deadly consequences.

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