Excessive consumption of sweets during childhood can be addictive


02:00 p

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


European scientists have proven that excessive sugar consumption in childhood helps to develop the desire for alcohol among young people, according to the website of "Russia Today".

Supervisory committees composed of participants aged 7 to 17 years were trained in 8 European countries. Scientists studied the eating habits of 16,000 people and interviewed their parents.

The study found that children over-fed on sugary and fatty foods would become more likely to drink more regularly in the future than other children having not eaten too much.

Indeed, sugar stimulates the production of the hormone "happiness" in the brain (dopamine), alcohol and drugs have the same effect.

Scientists who contribute to the project "IDEFICS" show that love or dislike for sweets helps in the development of other relationships. During the experience, it was noted that those who do not tend to drink too much, eat excessively sweets of all kinds and drink sweet water.

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