Tips to reduce the baby's temperature before consulting a doctor


Do not use heat reducer without showing the child to the doctor

Do not use heat reducer without showing the child to the doctor

Fever is part of the immune system's ability to fight infections such as influenza, colds or otitis, which is a higher than normal body temperature. The temperature is normal in infants and children if it is equal to or less than 38.9 ºC (by bad measurement), or lower than 37.3 ºC (by the same) and to higher degrees than those considered only as a high fever.

The temperature of the human changes even when it is in good condition. It can increase or decrease. This change is normal. In the morning, the body temperature is lower and gradually increases in the afternoon. Fever is not a disease in itself, it is a sign of illness. Warming indicates that something is happening inside the body.

Causes of high temperature:

– Inflammation caused by a bacterium or a virus that can contribute to the thermal elimination of the virus.

– Reaction to a medicine or a vaccine.

Free kick.

– infectious infection.

– Inflammation such as inflammation of the urinary system, tonsillitis, sinusitis or abscess of the teeth, inflammation of the middle ear.

– Dental growth.

Important tips to reduce the temperature of the child until it is presented to the doctor:

– Relaxing baby clothes.

– Relieve the ambient temperature.

– The work of the bathtubs, especially lukewarm water for the limbs and bad.

– Do not use ice or cold water as a bathtub as it is not suitable for reducing heat.

– Give fluids to the baby and continue to badfeed and give milk.

Factors to consider when evaluating the temperature:

Even a mild fever in babies is dangerous and should be presented to the doctor quickly.

Tubers are used in warm water to treat infants and the elderly when the temperature is below 38.5 ° C.

Fever medications are used if the temperature is 38.5 or higher, and according to the doctor's instructions.

Do not use heat reducers without showing the child to the doctor and diagnose the disease.

Respect the doses recommended by the doctor.


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