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Studies have confirmed that chickpeas contain substances that can form protective bad cancer as well as substances that stabilize the effect of estrogen, especially during menopause, making it more important for the women.
According to her, doctors insist on the need to consume chickpeas at least twice a week, even a small handful, since they contain folic acid, which inhibits the formation of cancer cells, protects the structure and prevents the formation of tumors in the body.
Experts believe that some retain the water in which the chickpeas are supposed to contain vitamins but actually contain toxic substances, highlighting the need to soak the chickpeas in drinking water a night before cooking to put toxic substances difficult to digest the stomach. The water must be removed and not used in the cooking process.
In particular, it is advisable for women to increase consumption of chickpeas because of its important preventive effect in the prevention of bad cancer formation, and to solve problems such as nausea, dizziness and headaches , noting that chickpea consumption can have a positive effect on hormonal happiness, prevent depression and regulate cholesterol Opens the blood vessels and protects the heart muscle, reduces the symptoms of brain and mental fatigue, improves the strength of memory and facilitates learning ability.
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