By taking advantage of the benefits of exercise, one increases the activity – S N N A



An Australian study found that the more people understood the benefits of exercise, the more physically active they were.

"Regular physical activity reduces the risk of death by 30% for whatever reason and by 35% the risk of serious chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes," said Stephanie Squibb and her colleagues in the journal More One. Type II 42% and colon cancer 30%. "

The researchers pointed out that regular physical activity also increased the average age and improved fitness and overall health.

The researchers were able to link 14 diseases and a decrease in physical activity among 22 diseases that can infect people when they do not do much exercise. They also found that the more participants were able to properly link diseases and the decline in physical activity were more active and more active.

The researchers said in their study that health improvement initiatives should aim to raise awareness about the types of diseases badociated with non-exercise.

Researchers at the University of Central Queensland conducted a survey of 615 people to determine their knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and laziness.

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