Impressive effects of regular smoking versus electrons


06:00 p

Saturday, December 29

Masrawy: –

A new video documenting the contradictory effects of regular smoking and electronic smoking has revealed shocking and terrifying results.

Public Health in England (PHE) conducted an experiment to determine the devastating impact of smoking on the body, explaining how to avoid such harm by adopting the electronic cigarette or by permanently quitting smoking, according to Russia Today.

The video was filmed as the latest action in PHE's HealthHarms campaign, an initiative to encourage smokers to break with this habit by showing the permanent damage that smoking can cause.

According to studies, over 44% of smokers mistakenly think that e-cigarettes are as harmful as normal or do not realize that they pose much less health risks.

In the video, the two experts, Leon Shehab and Rosemary Leonard, have a visual experience showing carcinogenic chemicals inhaled by the average smoker each month compared to a non-smoker or a person using electronic cigarettes.

The experiment simulates the effects of inhaling tobacco smoke, electronic cigarettes and normal air into the lungs, with three cylindrical cylinders filled with cotton.

At the end of the experiment, the cotton wool contained in the tobacco smoke package turns brown, the tube clogging with tar. In contrast, the package of electronic cigarettes has changed little, cotton does not look different.

Professor John Newton, Director of Health Development at PHE, said that the experiment visually illustrated the striking contrast between the effects of regular smoking and electronic smoking.

Research estimates suggest that, although it is not without risk, the impact of the electronic cigarette is at least 95% lower than that of the regular cigarette.

"The misconception that e-cigarettes are as harmful as usual prevents thousands of smokers from switching to electronic cigarettes to help them quit," said Dr. Shehab, a university professor in the field of Quit Smoking and Associate Professor of Health Psychology at the University of London.

"I hope this demonstration will help people see the tremendous damage done by smoking, which can be avoided by switching to e-cigarettes." Research has shown that these are relatively safe in the long run, as is the use of approved nicotine products.

It should be noted that smoking greatly increases the risk of developing more than 50 serious health problems, including cancer and heart disease, and increases the risk of stroke deaths.

Our new short film shows how toxic chemicals and tar inhaled by an average smoker in just one month compare to those who do not smoke or use an electronic cigarette. #HealthHarms #Fumefree

– Public Health England (@PHE_uk) December 28, 2018

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