If you take aspirin, beware of its side effects!


From pain relief to cancer prevention, back to arterial protection from clotting, the benefits of aspirin are so numerous that it is an exceptional treatment. But does aspirin really offer these benefits? When is it dangerous?

According to a study conducted at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, treatment of aspirin cancer in the gastrointestinal tract doubles the chances of survival for more than 5 years after the diagnosis of the disease ..

A UK 3-step study with 11,000 participants showed that aspirin is an effective drug to prevent recurrence of cancer. Aspirin helps prevent colorectal cancer and increases the response to treatment of patients with bad cancer, skin and intestines.

Aspirin is one of the most widely consumed drugs in the world, contains anti-inflammatory drugs and has the ability to relieve aches and pains by inhibiting pain-inducing chemicals. It can relieve headaches, teeth, muscles, joints and aches caused by colds.

Recent studies have shown that a reduced daily dose of aspirin provides protection against the risk of seizures and heart attacks. In contrast, the side effects of the bleeding aspirin of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the risk of stomach ulcers. It is therefore not recommended to take large doses..

Aspirin can also interact with other drugs, especially antithrombotics such as warfarin. Taking aspirin with certain dietary supplements such as fish oil increases the risk of internal bleeding.

Some people are allergic to aspirin, especially asthmatic patients. Nausea and vomiting are other side effects, and recent studies suggest that taking it long-term increases the risk that older people will get yellow spot, an aging disease..

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