Strengthening international cooperation in space is a rewarding step


The European Space Agency (ESA) has called for increased international cooperation in space after the Chinese Chang & # 4; 4 landed successfully on the far side of the moon.

"The invasion of space can play a typical geopolitical role," said Jan Forner, managing director of ESA, at Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

China's landing of the Chang-e-4 probe showed how ambitious its space program was, he said, adding that further cooperation in this area would be important. profitable for all parties. Cooperation in the framework of the International Space Station (ISS), involving various space agencies, had proved feasible in space, and he called for strengthening cooperation with China.

"I am sure that the Chinese will share their new experiences with other countries," he said, adding that ESA is currently cooperating with China. Chinese media reported yesterday that a Chinese probe vehicle Chang & # 39; e 4 had left the first "fingerprint" on the other side of the moon.

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