Egypt wins the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations

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The African Union Executive Committee met today in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, to select the host country of the African Union. "C & # 39; was"With 24 participating teams.

Egypt won 16 votes, one against South Africa and one abstention.

There were two candidate countries at the meeting table L & # 39; Egypt And South Africa, where both countries went earlier this month to inform themselves of their courage.

It was "CAFMonday announced that its executive committee meeting will be held on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

Revealed the head Egyptian Football Federation, Hani Abu Reda, in December, who was identified 8 stadiums to host the tournament, in addition to the training grounds, explaining that L & # 39; Egypt I submitted the file after consulting the Arab Member States African ConfederationAnd get their support and approval.

It should be noted that Egypt hosted the most important continental tournament at team level four times, the last one in 2006, which means that this year's organization will be the fifth, a record ever achieved by an African country. .

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وأورد حساب الاتحاد المصري على موقع "فيسبوك" أن المتحدث الرسمي, أحمد مجاهد, نفى وجود أي نية للتقدم بطلب استضافة بطولة الأمم الأفريقية بعد سحب تنظيمها من الكاميرون, مؤكدا أن مصر لن تكون منافسا في هذا الأمر لأي دولة عربية لاسيما وأن الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي هو رئيس الدورة الحالية للاتحاد الأفريقي وستكون مصر داعمة لأي دولة عربية تطلب التنظيم.

وكان الاتحاد الأفريقي أعاد يوم الجمعة الماضي في العاصمة الغانية أكرا فتح السباق لاستضافة البطولة, التي يشارك فيها 24 منتخبا, بإعلانه سحب التنظيم من الكاميرون قبل 7 أشهر من موعدها المقرر, على خلفية التأخر في إنجاز أعمال البنى التحتية ومنشآت الملاعب, إضافة الى الوضع الأمني ​​المضطرب في بعض أرجائها.

وفي حين لم تعلن بعد أي دولة نيتها رسميا الترشح للاستضافة, كانت التقارير الصحفية قد رجحت في الفترة الماضية, أن تكون المنافسة على الاستضافة في حال سحبها من الكاميرون بين المغرب وجنوب أفريقيا.

وذكرت تقارير صحفية, الثلاثاء, أن مصر تدرس استضافة مشتركة مع المغرب, علما بأن الاتحاد القاري يتوقع أن يعلن هوية المضيف قبل نهاية العام الحالي.

واستضاف المغرب في فبراير الماضي بطولة أمم أفريقيا للمحليين ("شان 2018") وفي يونيو فشلت المملكة للمرة الخامسة في سعيها للفوز باستضافة المونديال, بعدما تقدمت بترشيح لاستضافة نهائيات 2026 إلا أن تصويت الجمعية العمومية للاتحاد الدولي (فيفا) صب لصالح ملف مشترك بين الولايات المتحدة وكندا والمكسيك.

وسبق للمغرب استضافة بطولة أمم أفريقيا مرة واحدة عام 1988 وكان من المقرر أن يستضيف نسخة 2015 قبل أن يعتذر عن ذلك خوفا من انتشار وباء إيبولا, وآل التنظيم في ذاك العام إلى غينيا الاستوائية.

أما جنوب أفريقيا, فتعد من أكثر دول القارة تطورا على صعيد البنية التحتية الخاصة باستضافة بطولات مهمة في كرة القدم, لاسيما بعدما أصبحت في 2010 الدولة الوحيدة في القارة السمراء التي تنظم المونديال, واستضافت نسختي أمم أفريقيا 1996 (بدلا من كينيا بعدما امتنعت الأخيرة عن ذلك بسبب صعوبات مالية) و 2013 (بدلا من ليبيا).


As for South Africa The two versions of African nations were welcomed in 1996 (instead of Kenya after the latter abstained from doing so because of financial difficulties) and in 2013 (instead of Libya).

Last November, he decided African Union For the ball draw the organization of the finals "African Wedding" From CameroonAfter reports that the state is not ready to host "Alcan" Because Delay in the completion of infrastructure and playgrounds and fears of the security situation.


The African Union Executive Committee met today in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, to select the host country, Cannes, which will be attended by 24 teams.

Egypt won 16 votes, one against South Africa and one abstention.

At the meeting table were two candidate countries, Egypt and South Africa, where the two countries went earlier in the month to learn about their jubilation.

On Monday, CAF announced that its executive committee would meet on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

The head of the Egyptian Football Federation, Hany Abu Reda, said in December that eight stadiums had been set up to host the tournament, in addition to the training ground, and that the file had been submitted by the Egypt after consulting the Arab Member States of the African Confederation.

It should be noted that Egypt has hosted four times the largest continental tournament at the team level, the last in 2006, which means that this year's organization will be the fifth, a record ever achieved by an African country. .

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He listed the account of the Egyptian Union on the website "Facebook" The official spokesman, Ahmed Mujahid, denied any intention to run for the organization of the African Championship of Nations after the withdrawal of the Cameroon organization, pointing out that Egypt would be a competitor in this case for no Arab country. An Arab country that requires regulation.

The African Union (AU) reopened Friday the race to the organization of the tournament, which includes 24 teams, announcing the withdrawal of the Cameroon organization seven months earlier than expected because of the delay in the completion of infrastructure and stadium facilities, in addition to the explosive security situation In some cases

Although no country has yet officially announced its intention to seek reception, press reports have hinted that competition for hospitality if it is withdrawn from Cameroon between Morocco. and South Africa is likely.

According to reports in the press, Egypt plans to meet Tuesday with Morocco, knowing that the Continental Union should announce the identity of its host before the end of this year.

Last February, Morocco hosted the Nations Cup "Shan 2018" In June, Saudi Arabia failed for the fifth time in organizing the World Cup after the bid for the final 2026 However, the FIFA General Assembly voted in favor of a joint file from the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Morocco had already hosted the Africa Cup of Nations once in 1988 and was scheduled to host the 2015 edition before apologizing for fear of the Ebola outbreak and the outbreak of Ebola. whole organization in Equatorial Guinea that year.

South Africa is one of the most developed countries on the continent in terms of organizing major football tournaments, especially as it has become the only country on the continent to host the World Cup in 2010 and to organize the two African Cups of Nations in 1996 instead of Kenya. Due to financial difficulties) and 2013 (instead of Libya).


South Africa hosted two versions of African nations in 1996 (instead of Kenya after the latter abstained from doing so because of financial difficulties) and in 2013 (instead of Libya).

Last November, the African Football Confederation decided to withdraw from Cameroon the organization of the "African marriage", after concluding that the state was not ready to host "Alcan" " because of Delay in the completion of infrastructure and playgrounds and fears of the security situation.

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