Google lets you speak 27 languages


The process is done in "interpreter mode" for speakers using Google Assistant's voice badistant, which allows two people to speak in different languages ​​and converse in real time, thus providing a solution for problems of interruption of the interpretation.

The interpreter mode works on the smart screens of partner manufacturers and the Google Home smartphone group, controlled by voice commands and capable of translating 27 languages.

The system is also activated by pronouncing words such as "help me to speak French", so that the device can record what the person says in his language and read it in the language of origin. Other person, while offering speech translation while talking on smart screens.

Google Assistant supports words in the person's native language, which is an extension of Google's online translation program, which, according to the company, is now able to translate certain languages ​​as accurately as professional translators.

Google has published the complete list of supported languages: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.

It should be noted that those interested in the quality of traditional education and linguistic academies cautioned against relying entirely on electronic translation and felt that relying entirely on Google translations and other software threatened the education and privacy of the original languages.

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