Similar symptoms between colds and flu – archival image
Colds and flus present a combination of symptoms and signs that make it almost impossible to diagnose and identify an illness.
The Daily Mail newspaper has maintained with two doctors in internal medicine to explain the symptoms and determine the right time to get medical help. He also answered 4 questions to help you detect and diagnose.
The common symptoms of colds and flu are sneezing, coughing, sore throat and congestion.
In the United States, Dr. Brian Sesemsky, a specialist in internal medicine, explained that the distinction between the two cases is often difficult, especially in the early stages of infection.
Flu symptoms include severe fever, tremors, body aches, and nausea, while flu symptoms are related to nose, throat, ear, and chest pains, he says. declared.
The second question: "Were you sick quickly?" Because most people with influenza have severe symptoms over a short period of time, while colds take days to reach their peak.
The third question is, "Can you stop sneezing or not?" Sneezing and coughing are cold symptoms and are not a health concern unless they become respiratory problems.
The last question to ask yourself is: "Do you suffer from nausea, chest pain and shortness of breath?" These symptoms require a direct visit to the doctor because they indicate that the flu has turned into pneumonia.
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