New hope for patients with osteoporosis


Recent scientific experiments have shown that an estrogen disruption in a woman 's brain would increase bone mbad and give new hope to patients with osteoporosis.

The results would be a scientific breakthrough to treat the disease that affects nearly 200 million people worldwide, especially the elderly, the medical information website said.

Osteoporosis causes bone weakness over time, so that simply coughing or sneezing can break the patient's bones.

Women are particularly at risk for postmenopausal osteoporosis because of the low estrogen content.

According to the study published in the journal Nature Communication, scientists have studied the function of estrogen-sensitive neurons in the mitral region of the brain. It plays an important role in the regulation of metabolic processes, such as control of body temperature, hunger, sleep, etc.

The researchers prevented the effect of estrogen in the region of the hypothalamus in mice, which resulted in increased weight and lack of activity, and thought early than overweight caused by excess fat or muscle tissue, this block in some rats to 800 percent.

The author of the study, Holly Ingraham, said that researchers at the University of California, who had participated in the study, said they had "never seen bone with such force." ".

"These findings may suggest a new avenue that can be used to strengthen the bones of older women and those with fragile bones," she said.

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