Allergic medications can cause long-term memory problems


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – According to a recent Japanese study, the use of antihistamines could have adverse effects on long-term memory. "The use of stimulating histamine drugs, rather than the reverse, can help activate long-term memory, use it to recover all memories exceeding 48 hours."

"Hystamine is a chemical produced by the body when the immune system experiences an imbalance that causes food or dust particles to be recognized as harmful compounds." The body starts injecting histamine into the body. the blood to resist these symptoms, "said researchers from Japanese universities in Tokyo, Hokkaido and Tokido. This results in known allergic symptoms, such as severe itching and frequent sneezing. "

In their study, the researchers used memory tests of 38 men and women, showing them 20 images of familiar objects such as glbades and wristwatches, which were then returned to them several days later, in asking them if they remembered these photos, as well as new photos.

But the second phase of the experiment took place after nine days, when the sample was divided into two, the first group was badigned a placebo and the second drug stimulating the secretion of secretion. histamine in the brain, to show the results that participants in the second group knew more images, while the first group failed to identify the images. Old new photos.

The researchers concluded that taking the drug that stimulates the secretion of histamine helped members of the second group to remember the memories stored in long-term memory, and explained that "stimulating the secretion of histamine in the mouse had allowed the memory to expand 25 days longer than usual, which means that the material plays an unknown role.In the brain, and can help clarify this function to relieve the symptoms of diseases badociated with memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and aging.

The study, published in the journal BiologicalScience, has published data published by the World Allergy Association (WAO), showing that between 30% and 40% of people suffer from a symptom of "heart failure". allergy, with about 400 million people suffering from sinus allergies each year, while suffering Some 300 million people suffer from asthma and this number is expected to be around 400 million by 2025 and allergies from 200 to 250 million.

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