What is the cancer linked to this virus?


Scientists have discovered a relationship between the herpes virus and cancer, similar to the body's proliferative mechanism and weakening its health, according to the journal Neuroscience News.

Researchers have shown that the virus spreads in the human body using the oldest genetic material stored in DNA, just like cancer cells that invade healthy cells.

"The herpes virus cooperates with the RNA, which was formed many millions of years ago.It is usually not active because it can not code for proteins, but it activates when the herpes virus enters the body.Cancer cells have the same property, "explain the researchers.

Thus, it is possible that herpes and cancer have learned to interact with the old ribosome DNA and that cancer and herpes virus can coexist in the body. In addition, scientists believe that the entry of the virus into the human body could be related to the development of diseases other than cancer, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Russia today

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