Including fractures. Here are the risks of abandoning dairy products


Some nutritionists have claimed non-dairy products because they contain chemicals, hormones and antibiotics, and because an adult's body is unable to digest milk sugar. But giving up dairy products carries many health risks:

British experts have found that over the last 20 years, the amount of dairy consumed has dropped by 30% as citizens started to eat soy, almonds, coconut and vegetable cheeses.

The results of the study conducted by scientists have shown that this group of people is more prone to limb fractures. Scientists justify it by the fact that natural dairy products and vitamin D deficiencies do not contain the necessary amount of nutrients. This affects osteoporosis, skeletal diseases and fractures.

Immune weakness and metabolism
Scientists confirm that bacteria in dairy products increase body immunity, that they are responsible for gut activity, and that the total abandonment of milk products slows down metabolism, resulting in increased weight gain.

Bad condition of the skin
Scientists believe that women who do not use fermented dairy products do not have the natural potential to rejuvenate their skin.

Russia today

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