The drug is a stronger sedative than morphine


The health

The drug is a stronger sedative than morphine

An badgesic formulation more powerful than morphine

Scientists in the United States have developed an extremely effective home remedy that improves anesthesia over that used by morphine.

The new product should enable the use of high quality medical services, especially for people with allergies. The active ingredient of the new product is also less harmful to health and is more effective than opium and does not create addiction.

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The new product called "AT-121" and has pbaded numerous tests on animals, including monkeys. The test results have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of pain and drug addiction, which means that the lack of addiction to the components of the new product will generalize it and that it will be used, which will contribute to reduce drug abuse.

Opiates are used to control pain because they directly affect brain receptors. But at the same time affect the pleasure center, causing addiction after several doses. While the new product inhibits pain without affecting the center of pleasure in the brain, this feature will make it more widely used.

Source: Forum Medicom

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