Folic acid is essential to human health


Many people have heard about folic acid tablets taken by pregnant women to protect the fetus from conbad malformations, but did you know that these tablets are also important for men's health, we recognize in this report the benefits folic acid for men, men's health.

Folic acid tablets
Folic acid tablets

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a vitamin B complex (B9), The body is used to correctly make red and white blood cells, convert carbohydrates into energy and make DNA DNA Which is necessary for periods of rapid growth such as: childhood, adolescence and fetus in the womb of the mother.

Folic acid plays (with vitaminsB12 , B6Chlorine, Methionine, Betaine, Magnesium, Zinc and Sulfur) play a key role in maintaining bodily functions, including cell division, DNA synthesis, detoxification, lympha hormonal balance, neurotransmitters, mood enhancement and mental health.

If you do not consume enough folic acid, your body will not be able to keep your systems running.

Consuming healthy levels of folic acid helps protect the heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of certain cancers (including pancreatic, esophageal and colon cancer) and can reduce the chances of depression and mood disorders.

Folic acid can also increase sperm count in men, according to a study published in the newspaper Fertility and infertilityMen received 5 mg of folic acid and 66 mg of zinc daily for 26 weeks and found an increase in the number of sperm in 74% of them.

Folic acid is also used to treat gastrointestinal problems such as gastrointestinal diseases, certain diseases such as kidney and liver diseases, and to treat anemia.

Foods containing folic acid
Foods containing folic acid

How do you get folic acid?

There are foods made from folic acid such as dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, egg yolk, asparagus, beef, chicken liver, oranges, beans, lentils and seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame.

You can also take dietary supplements, but be sure to choose a particular type, look for the "active" form of folic acid, called methyl sulfate. L-méthyfolate.

The recommended daily intake of folic acid is 400 micrograms a day, but consult your doctor before you start taking it, as excessive doses of folic acid can cause you health problems.

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