Experts from the South American University of South Carolina have warned that severe migraines in middle-aged people are a harbinger of the risk of stroke.
One study found that people over 50 with migraine, a common type of vision, were at risk of having a stroke in the next 20 years. The researchers found that younger migraines did not have an increased risk of stroke.
Experts followed the case of 11,600 people for two decades and found that patients with aura after age 50 had a chance to have a stroke of 8.3%, or 2.17 times more likely than those with who did not have migraines. Patients who had migraines without Aura had no increased risk, regardless of the onset of the disease.
The head of the study, Xiao Michele Androklis, head of the neurology department of WJB Dorn VA, said
Medicine in South Carolina: I think this is very helpful because many people with migraine headaches have long been worried about the risk of stroke, especially when they get older and when 39, they risk other cardiovascular diseases.
To our knowledge, this is the first major prospective study to evaluate the relationship between years of exposure to migraine headaches and ischemic stroke.
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