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"He added Social Networking Site These calculations were for people all over the world, but even more Middle East South Asia.
He explained Facebook It removes 783 sets of pages and accounts that reproduce the position Iran On sensitive issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflictSyria AndYemen In targeted countries, under cover of accounts or local pages.
The website said in a statement: "Although those responsible for these activities have tried to hide their identity, manual control has allowed us to link these accounts to Iran."
These activities were discovered in 26 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, including: afghanistan Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Africa.
The social networking site said the calculations were intended for people around the world, but more in the Middle East and South Asia.
Facebook said it has removed 783 pages, collections and accounts reflecting Iran's official stance on sensitive issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Syria and Yemen in targeted countries, under the guise of accounts or local pages.
"Although those responsible for these activities tried to hide their identity, a manual control allowed us to link these accounts to Iran," the website said in a statement.
These activities were discovered in 26 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Africa.