Breast milk "breaks" cancerous tumors


Breast milk "breaks" cancerous tumors

Study: Breast milk "breaks" cancerous tumors

Posted in Mecca now on 20 – 07 – 2019

A new study has revealed that a chemical found only in bad milk can fragment tumors and thus allow cancer patients to pbad them into the urine.
According to the website "Russia Today", has proved that the substance of the milk sugar alpha1H, necessary for the growth of the child, destroyed tumors without harming healthy tissue.
One study found that 20 patients with bladder cancer had seen the secretion of tumor "fragments" in the urine after only 6 doses of alpha1H. Other research shows that patients started to pbad the malignant tissues within two hours of treatment.
When alpha1H is combined with oleic acid, it forms a mixture that stimulates cancer cells to "commit suicide".
Czech researchers hope that this development will be a "better" form of chemotherapy, which "poisons" the cells and causes harmful side effects.
Hamlet Pharma plans to check if the chemical reduces tumors of the bladder and improves patient survival.
The study was conducted by the "Mutol" University Hospital in Prague, under the supervision of Professor Katharina Svanburg, founder of Hamlet Pharma.
In 1995, Saffenborg discovered that alpha1H kills cancer cells at Lund University, Sweden, where she studied how bad milk fights germs.
According to South China Morning, the experience of the chemical effect on human cancer cells is common as these cells can survive under laboratory conditions. Svenburg was surprised to discover that the cancer cells were disappearing.
"Alpha1H helps to produce lactose, the milk sugar needed to feed the babies and make the milk liquid," said Katrina. It has also been shown that its function can be modified to form oncological cell complexes. "
One trial presented 5 daily doses of alpha1H to 9 patients with bladder cancer before surgery to remove the tumors. Eight of them managed to transmit the cancer cells in just two hours and the malignant tumors became smaller and less aggressive.
The team plans to study the possibility of using this drug in patients with brain or colon cancer.

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Source: Saws

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