The deputy Hadi Hobeish wished the Mayor of Mustafa Edmon Ibrahim and the members of the city council "the success in the service of the dear city of Admon and his good people", praising "the love of the inhabitants of the city, their openness and their life The best evidence is what the city council has proved through democratic practice and smooth transition, and the respect of the alliances between its components, which are an extension of their constituents that have a better choice in their sense of development and high culture.
"We are working hard to get the necessary funding from Cedar for Akkar projects, and the state will undertake investment projects worth $ 5 billion. We need to evaluate these projects by installing some of them at Akkar, "Habish said after meeting with Ibrahim.
"It is necessary to control the legitimate borders before others.They need machines.The illegal borders are difficult to control, but we must work to control them as the appropriate state and monitoring bodies", a- he declared.
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