"Cybersecurity" warns of a serious flaw in the devices, "Huner Magic 2" .. and recommends to update


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The National Cybersecurity Center has issued a security warning following a hole in the "Honer Magic 2" phone.

The center said Huawei had issued an update to address the vulnerability of some versions of the phone's operation, and that hackers managed to exploit by misleading the user to install malicious software, which can reveal information.

The Center has recommended that the affected versions be updated, indicating that the phones that support the automatic update will receive an update on the vulnerability.


Here are the details of the "Cyber ​​Security" warning signaling a serious deficiency in "HONER MAGIC 2" devices. I recommend you update us today. Thank you for letting us know by providing you with all the necessary details and information. To follow all our news, you can subscribe to the Alerts system or to one of our different systems. Is new.

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