Shaimaa Ahmed Farouk:
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Wednesday, July 24, 2019 – 14:19
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Wednesday, July 24, 2019 – 16:11
Culture is an inseparable part of any society, because it is the main gateway for people and varies from one people to another.
Shorouk monitors the image of intellectuals in certain cinematographic and dramatic works.
In his book "Political Film in Egyptian Cinema," Mahmoud Qbadem says that the habit of political detainees in Egyptian films is a free, progressive, and cultured person who does not carry arms and often does not seek to overthrow the regime nor to provoke riots. Freedom and progress ".
Here are some examples of these numbers:
• Abbas Safwat
The film "I Am Free", based on a novel by Ihsan Abdul Qadous, featured the personality of the young intellectual, a progressive fighter who rejects power and seeks to change the situation. He is a major driver of events and a fundamental change in the character of Amina, a young woman seeking freedom.
His role was played by Shukri Sarhan and his participation by Lubna Abdel Aziz and conducted by Salah Abu Saif in 1959.
• Mansour Bahi
In the movie "Miramar", taken from a novel by the writer Naguib Mahfouz, this character, a young man cultivated and jealous of his homeland, was presented as an opponent of the political situation, but he Has nothing to do. The film is represented by the symbolism of Egypt as a "flower". Al-Hayat and the intellectual Mansour who tries to teach him to read and write, played by Mansour Ali.
The film with (Shadia, Emad Hamdi, Youssef Wahbi and Abu Bakr Ezzat), and directed by Kamal Sheikh in 1969.
• Hussein Wahdan
The educated young man who has opposed the living conditions of his country is subject to arrests and torture. The film "The Innocent" presented the personality of the intellectual and tries, thanks to his knowledge, to help the inhabitants of his village to understand what is going on around him.
It was performed by Ahmed Zaki, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and Jamil Rateb, and directed by Atef al-Tayeb in 1986.
The cinema has also provided other images of the intellectual, whether it be serious or comical or in a romantic context.
• Fouad Mbadoud
The powerful character and the intellectual writer, the terrorist, is the image of the artist Mohammed Al-Dabrawi in the movie "The Terrorist". The film describes the 1990s and the conflict between the state and extremist groups and the badbadination of the writer Faraj Foda.
It was performed by Adel Imam and Salah Zulfikar and Madiha Yousri, and directed by Nader Jalal in 1994.
• monk thought
An image of a disciplined intellectual with a strong ethic and commitment far from mistakes as if he were an exorcist. This is the character of Emad Hamdi in the film "The Holy Rabat", directed by Salah Zulfikar and Sabah and directed by Mahmoud Zulfikar in 1960.
Emad Hamdi also presented the personality of the intellectual advocate who is trying to change his society with the help of criminals to change their situation and discover the reasons for the human tendency to crime. Is it a good environment that has changed his behavior and turned him into a good person in society?
• Fouad Al-Tarbi
Some films have been exposed to intellectuals as if people were losing reason or reason. Ahmed Ratib introduced this film in the film "Saya Bahr" as Fouad al-Tarbi, professor of philosophy, but decided to separate from the world and live in the graves.
• Anayat and Abdul-Wahid
Two characters presented by the cynical writer Ahmed Ragab in the film "Fawzia the bourgeoisie", a cultivated couple driven by circumstances to live in a working-clbad neighborhood, illustrating the gap that separates intellectual and ordinary men from Egyptian society through to the interaction of characters with warm people who can not even understand the words. The complex philosophies of heroes and the roles of Salah al-Saadani and Said Younis.
The theater has provided the image of the intellectual in some television series, such as:
• Hbadan Abu Sunna
The series "Friends" presents the character of Hbadan Abu Sanna, a socialist intellectual, who participated in the protests in his youth and who tried to change the society. He was stopped. After he left, he changed his guard. He lived in a simple room above the roofs.
• Nasr Wahdan cat
Writer Mohammed Safa Amer drew a different character from the history teacher, making him an intellectual preserving the history of his country and fighting against any distortion, and trying throughout his career to present students their culture and the body of their personality Salah Alsadani in the series "Dream of the South" by Jamal Abdul Hamid.
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