Carla Haddad is attacked because of the "Lily Project" and asks, "Has religion disappeared?"


Carla Haddad was criticized by supporters of the "Laila Project" because of her twitter group yesterday.

"In the difference between personal freedom and lack of morality, in the difference between freedom of expression and courage, in the difference between art and worship of Satan, the group Laila Rouhwa sang "said Carla.

In the difference between personal freedom and lack of morality, in the difference between freedom of expression and daring, in the difference between the art and the worship of Satan # Learning project They are broken

– Carla Haddad (@CarlaHad) July 24, 2019

Carla reacted to criticism this morning by asking if the defense of religion and the encroachment on the sanctity of art and creativity were becoming exceptional: "The defense of religion has fallen behind, the encroachment on Religious shrines became art and creativity … If I reject Leila's project and her offending songs, "I am a reactionary, backward and proud."

The defense of religion has become backward and the badault on religious shrines has become art and creativity … if I refuse to do so # Project of the night And his humiliating songs (Lili Hui himself shot him) Khalkini reactionary and backward … Whatever. I am back and forth and proudly.

– Carla Haddad (@CarlaHad) July 25, 2019

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