Informed sources indicated that the Qabershmoun incident crisis had resulted in a stalemate in the shadow of each party's position, between a supporter of the Justice Council and its rejection, while the Talal MP Arslan was able to support President Nabih Berri and accept his initiative. But Arslan missed a real opportunity that could have been used to get out of this crisis on the basis of "no winner or loser".
According to sources, according to the newspaper "Republic", Hariri would intend to make an invitation to a government session pending the latest initiatives. What Minister Gebran Bbadil could publish today, as well as the Secretary General of "Hezbollah" Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah.
According to reports, in case of a ball at Arslan where the decision to return from the Council of Justice would be in his hands, Hariri would not hesitate to convene a meeting of the government to put everyone in charge of his responsibilities and to transfer the crisis of the place to the sender to form the veil of "immortality" because it is not possible. The government is suspended by Arslan.
The sources said that "there is no initiative from Nasrallah or Basil, and if Hariri does not invite the government to meet, the crisis is a candidate for the truce, while this can only be broken by the transfer of the crisis by Hariri by calling for a session of the government And if the President of the Republic refuses or is interrupted and handicapped by the "blocking third", the crisis is automatically transferred from the place Joumblatti -Irbilani instead Baabda – the middle house and the center house – Hezbollah, because Basil and the party stand behind Arslan Preheating ahead, this is the only way to conduct research N solutions before moving to a government crisis to a national crisis and the return of the vertical division.
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