Under the title "100 billion" allowances for "incumbents of posts without taxes," writes Akram Hamdan in the newspaper "cities" electronics: "The process of austerity in the budget of the year Has 2019 been presented to presidents, former ministers and deputies, current and former, described as the most intrusive in the history of Lebanon Where and how has austerity prevailed over these positions?
False adjustments
It is paradoxical that the House of Representatives, in the debates of the General Assembly, abolished Article 94 of the draft budget, which provides for the amendment of the fourth paragraph of Article I of Law 25/74 in this regard. which concerns the reduction of the percentages of former deputies and their reduction as follows: reduction of the monthly allowances to 20% when he is elected deputy during a single parliamentary session, it is still in force at 55%. And up to 40% of the two parliamentary sessions, which are currently in place and are still at 65%. The rate increases to 60% from three parliamentary sessions, while it is still in place and is 75% for all three sessions and more.
Tax crumbs
Article 49 of the law, which has been adopted, amends Article VI of Law 25/74 as follows:
The powers of the Presidents of the Republic, the House of Representatives, the Government, deputies, ministers and former deputies are imposed in accordance with the provisions of Part Two of Legislative Decree No. 144 of 12/6/1959 and its amendments (Income Tax Act).
The provisions of the preceding paragraph of this article are also applicable to former Presidents of the Republic, former Presidents of the House of Representatives and former Heads of Government.
In an attempt to understand the content of this article, it is first clear that these allowances were not subject to income tax: Lebanese leaders and politicians helped to make in the face of the economic crisis that the country is going through because of their policies and their quotas.
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