Discover carcinogens in cosmetics


Zahra Magdy

Every day, millions of women swallow toxic substances they consciously apply to the face and lips, regardless of the price of the cosmetic products they use. The makeup industry has some of the most carcinogenic chemicals without which women will not find this result satisfying for a smooth face and pink lips.

L'Oréal, Mibelin and Sefora
The Canadian Environmental Defense Group has daily tested cosmetics and has asked women of all ages and across Canada to identify 5 facial makeups that they use regularly. Examination is composed of 49 products: foundation cream, cream covering skin imperfections, red cheeks,, eyelids remained, red lips and polished.

These were purchased at various sites, including Amazon, all certified by the manufacturers, which was confirmed prior to shipment to the Group's laboratories, and no heavy metal was found on the labels of the products tested.

They have proven that these companies use at least the eight most dangerous metals in human life: arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, beryllium, selenium and thallium, substances banned in cosmetic products only within legitimate limits. "In Canada, they come with products imported from America.

The test revealed that all 49 products contained at least two heavy metals and that lipstick contained the highest level of lead, 110 parts per million, more than 10 times the highest limit set in the project. of the Canadian Health Manual.

The most famous cosmetics brands contain arsenic, lead and mercury (Pixabee)

All products contain nickel, lead and beryllium, of which 61% for thallium metal, 51% for cadmium and 20% for arsenic. These toxic substances are added during the manufacturing process and their presence plays an important role in the final absorption of the product. Non-greasy and non-perspiring texture.

The test resulted in a list of cosmetic cosmetics carcinogens, and in the red lips and powdery face appeared heavy metals.

Women's health is at stake
US and French international companies produce these cosmetics despite a study conducted in 2009 by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on 20 lipids for different companies and indicating that the lead limit was 1.07 ppm.

In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health on 2,326 women, the results revealed an increased risk of bad cancer in women who frequently use cosmetics and skin care for long periods.

The accumulation of heavy metals in the human body can cause cancer and immune diseases (Deutsche Welle)

Heavy metals can accumulate in the human body over time and throughout life, causing many health problems including cancer, bad disorders, memory loss, nervousness, neurological disorders , joint and muscle problems, cardiovascular disease, structural problems Bones, immune system diseases, kidneys, vomiting, nausea, hair loss, hair loss, the accumulation of these minerals in the lungs causes damage.

The body absorbs not only the lipids absorbed orally in women, but also the skin that absorbs them, especially cut or scaly skin.Some studies conducted by the US National Institutes of Health suggest that these minerals may appear later in life. l & # 39; urine.

Women are not exposed to a single mineral, but to different groups and potentially infinite combinations, unlike the presence of these metals in our daily lives. Arsenic, for example, is present in the world. drinking water in some countries. Accumulate with time.

No censorship or punishment
In fact, there are few health regulations in the cosmetics and skin care sector, and the worst is that companies are not obliged to apply them, so they can only be considered recommendations. It is not necessary to conduct health tests before presenting them to the public. Millions of dollars and puts us in front of the need to buy an effective deodorant remover filled with harmful chemicals.

The problem is not limited to cosmetic products: the Food and Drug Administration has recently warned of the presence of serious bacteria in soap disinfectant for wounds and moisturizers for the skin. Management warned in March that cosmetics contain cancer-causing asbestos fibers.

The Food and Drug Administration warned against certain cosmetic products because they contain carcinogenic asbestos fibers (Pixabee)

This happened after several tests had shown the same result, without the authorization of food and drugs to stop selling, because the law does not require cosmetic companies to obtain the approval of the Food and Drug Administration before being put on the market, and the United States has not enacted new regulations regarding cosmetics for more than eight years. Contracts to solve the crisis.

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