The writer of the newspaper "Republic", Imad Marmel, in his article published today, renewed a few days ago the new forms presented in front of the house of Saleh al-Gharib, which allowed the MP Talal Arslan and relatives of the security management model adopted for the delicate situation of the mountain, While the banner of Arslan at his press conference yesterday to implement a serious mountain safety plan puts everyone under the roof of the law.
In the context of the "Democratic Party", the army intelligence report on the incident of the new orchards indicated that "Ryan Mari attacked the guards from abroad and began to swear and then tried to disarm a guard who fired on the ground, Although the statement of the army leadership changed and took a gray character, it does not faithfully reflect the contents of the cbadettes, highlighting the problems of development when the intervention elements of the Minister's personal protection were followed by a rush and a shot at one of the minister's elements.
The sources pointed out that what had been stopped in the intelligence inquiry was that it was noted that the military was ordered to monitor and profit from it.
The general behavior of the army on the mountain indicates that she decided not to intervene resolutely and avoid creating an angry one, "the sources concluded," which was later confirmed when a senior official revealed that the army had refused to conduct an investigation into the Qabrushmon incident ".
Circles around Parcelan have warned that such laxness would encourage some to continue their transgressions and attacks that threaten stability on the mountain.
The source added that the army had totally denied any wrongdoing or negligence she had, pointing out that shortly after the incident, she had raided the mountain and arrested wanted people, before to deliver them to the Information Division for judicial interrogation.
Military sources pointed out that the army at the time of the problem in Qabrchmon avoided acting in an emotional and careless manner, which could injure civilians who were concentrated in the place, explaining that the army was very fond of employment. of strength and wisdom, "he was able to prevent" The tension spreads to other parts of the mountain and prevents the situation from degenerating into dramatic directions. It's a feat that must be recorded. "
Military sources confirmed that the army was at a distance from all parts, in the mountains or on the outside, "and therefore has no favoritism towards anyone who that is, but that the only concern is to strengthen civil peace and to take all the measures that flow into this box ".
The sources pointed out that the army is not disturbed by any party or bias: "Anyone who is disturbed by it is at its discretion."
Military sources have estimated that the Qabrushmoun file is now being processed at the highest political level, and it is not correct to attribute the consequences to the army, which has exercised and continues to perform its functions to the best of its ability. that security manipulations are prohibited.
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