The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Jamil Jabbak, held a coordination meeting in his ministry office for his visit to Iraq at the head of a delegation composed of representatives of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Private Hospital Owners Association and the Department of Health, and his team, with a view to signing an agreement protocol. (Pharmaceutical and hospital).
The director of the cabinet of the Minister of Health, Dr. Hbadan Ammar, the media advisor Mohamed Ayad, the president of the Association of Pharmaceutical Industries in Lebanon, Dr. Karol Abi Karam, and the captain of the owners of Suleiman Harun private hospitals as well as members of the delegation.
The visit to Baghdad "will include a long meeting with the Iraqi Ministry of Health, which will consist of the signing of a cooperation protocol, which will facilitate the way to an effective level for importing high-quality Lebanese drug, as well as the revitalization of hospital tourism by regulating and controlling the service of Iraqi patients at a reasonable cost Hospitals in Lebanon, which is ranked first in the Arab world with its medical and hospital level. "
He pointed out that Iraq is "a promising country in the field of cooperation in the field of medicine given the population exceeding 30 million inhabitants, while the factories in Lebanon produce drugs which the man needs in his daily life ".
He pointed out that "the drug factories have a high efficiency that promotes confidence in the quality of Lebanese medicine". He announced that he would seek to "market this drug in Arab countries." Iraq will be the first Arab country to sign a protocol in the pharmaceutical sector as the first official step to open the door. "
He hoped that the visit would be a success and that the Lebanese would achieve economic growth and additional employment opportunities.
Abi Karam
In turn, Dr. Abi Karam thanked Minister Jabbak for this initiative, which she called "the first of its kind", noting that "the techniques used in Lebanese pharmaceutical factories and the quality applied in these factories are a source of confidence".
"The cooperation of pharmaceutical factories with the Minister of Health to ensure quality drugs at reasonable prices in the Republic of Iraq," she said, adding that "this initiative is part of a series of initiatives to be taken in the future ".
"The first time the Ministry of Public Health has the mission to show the beautiful face of the Lebanese hospital sector in Arab countries, from Iraq," said Captain Haroun, Minister Jabbak, for his initiative unprecedented in the hospital sector.
He stressed that "many Iraqis go to Lebanon for treatment in hospitals, but that the problem must be a kind of control: everyone has their rights, from the Iraqi patient to Lebanese hospitals", to the support from Minister Jabbak's proposal "Perception on how to organize the transfer of patients from Iraq to hospitals in Lebanon and guarantee the rights of all".
Protocol of agreement
The Memorandum of Understanding envisages "developing and supporting the framework for cooperation in the areas of health, particularly with regard to the commercialization of Lebanese drugs in the Iraqi market, the activation and the organizing hospital tourism by means of supervision and supervision, as well as facilitating the work of Lebanese doctors and Iraqi hospitals in dealing with difficult cases ".
Source: National News Agency
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