Contest # 24 for the first time in the history of the event will not be announced at the Miss Venezuela Contest, to be held Thursday in Caracas, as part of a resolution to "break up female stereotypes, "said the administration.
"The beauty of a woman is not measured at her 90-60-90 standard, but she lives by her talent," said Gabriella Esler, director of the contest's communication, which resulted in seven beauty queens and six queens of beauty.
Event participants revealed to the public in previous versions of the standards of competitors who often used plastic surgery and canned foods are very strict to obtain the optimal measures of the standard models, namely 90 centimeters for the bust and 60 centimeters for the waist and 90 centimeters for the hips.
Esler explained that in case of power outage during the event, a widespread phenomenon in the country, there was no alternative solution.
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