Yesterday, an intense movement of communication launched a new effort to solve the problem of the Qabershmoun incident, initiated by the Director General, Abbas Ibrahim, before his last trip to Qatar.
The newspaper "Republic" said that Ibrahim wanted to keep the new initiative secret, but the nominated information evoked two scenarios:
The first scenario is a new and old scenario, namely the introduction of the Judicial Council on the agenda of the Council of Ministers by a decision made by President Saad Hariri, whose votes are badured and the result of the known vote so that the dispute is resolved by following the legal course accepted by the parties to the crisis.
The second scenario is that the agenda of the Council of Ministers is devoid of any question relating to the Qabrushmoun affair, which Hariri is inclined to do, provided that the Council of Ministers makes a political statement condemning the Qabrshmoun incident and leaving the decision to the competent courts.
The two-day visit to Ain al-Tineh and the government's presidential palace met twice with the President of the Republic at a bilateral meeting before the enlarged meeting, which was attended by Talal Arslan MP, the Minister Saleh al-Gharib and some ministers.
The newspaper added that by the end of the evening and that the Director General of Public Security had gone to Nabai Berri to inform him of the climate prevailing at the Baabda meeting, Hariri met with the minister from Industry, Wael Abu Faour, as the delegation of the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt. The sources told the party at night, highlighting the postponement of the visit of Ibrahim Jumblatt, who was scheduled for the night at a later date.
The sources pointed out that "the salaries went back to zero because the resumption of what was rejected of the proposals was not logical at all".
On Monday, 21 people were injured in the Kiburchumoun-Basatin incident, including four detainees, in connection with unlicensed military gunfire and killings and attempted killings of civilians. He returned the file containing the detainees to the first military judge, Fadi Sawan, asking him to interrogate the accused and provide them with the necessary legal notes.
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