Sarah Cook is the first to comment on Mohammed Al-Sharnoubi's comments!


Product surprised Sarah CookHis audience decided to leave the silence for the first time after the crisis with the artist Mohammed al-Sharnoubi, his former fiancée, and reacted to his comments, which aroused controversy.

Sarah Al-Tabah said in a press release that her work "Earth Production" continues with Mohammed Al-Sharnoubi, and this is no problem.

The cook added that the response to the crisis of the penalty clause in the contract between the company and Sharnoubi is a "Shaw" solicited and that the advertisement was made unprofessional. If it is returned, its value will diminish, its beliefs, it is "much greater".

She confirmed that Mohammed Al-Sharnoubi, a talent she believed in as a production company, still believes in it, but history has taught us that unprofessional behavior only harms the owner.

It should be noted that Muhammad al-Sharnubi released on Sunday July 21 last July a report of his social networking accounts in which he explained that his relationship with Sara cook had been over for some time, but that she was always under pressure from the contract signed with them.

It should be noted that Sara Cook did not delete the videos of her sermon against Mohammed al-Sharnoubi, from her account on "Ingestram", until that moment despite the announcement of the announcement. former Sharnoubi to break his commitments some time ago.

Source: Fuchia


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