"Health" monitors the feeding of sleeping pilgrims with 110 smart cameras


"Health" monitors the feeding of sleeping pilgrims with 110 smart cameras

SPA – Riyadh

Since the beginning of the month of Dhu Al-Qa'd, Al-Hayah has been carefully preparing the sites of the nutrition departments of Mecca, Madinah and holy places to serve the pilgrims, where they have completed the operations , equipment and personnel, food security, preparation, training and appointment of specialists in the nutrition sector. Implementation of the operational plan since the 20 de Zul Qa & # 39; da.

And monitors (110) smart cameras distributed during the food production stages, where it was planted in food preparation sites to control the quality and safety of the food provided, as well as to monitor the preparation and delivery of meals to patients and providers, while the average daily meal is 28,000 in hospitals. FOOD CLASSIFICATION SELECTED ON THE BASIS OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS

The Ministry is committed to implementing its work development plan by updating and replacing the site of the new Mona Street Hospital, in accordance with the Food Safety and Quality System (HACCP), and ensuring in place of fast-cooling refrigerators (Plast Schiller) for thermal stress meals, electronic coffee machines, Al-Maisam plant for the standby generator and food packaging methods.

In order to supervise the feeding of hospitals by nutritionists, 96 nutritionists and technicians have been appointed to Mina and Arafat hospitals and training of the nutrition workforce has been provided in six areas: nutrition for critical cases, nutrition by probe, nutrition and emergency safety, health needs and appointment of specialists. Clinical nutrition for intensive care, hypnosis, intensive care for tube pumps to feed patients, 10 medically necessary food products and 21 dietary diets.

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