Chehayeb will not sign any decision to establish a new university


The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Akram Shohaib, chaired a meeting of the Council of Higher Education in the presence of members and experts, during which he reviewed the Council's policy regarding requests for the establishment of new higher education institutions. And supported by the Council in this direction, and therefore "it is not necessary that citizens take the trouble to ask the establishment of a new institution".

He stressed "the importance of preserving universities producing science and culture, which have a particular interest in Lebanon and its generations". "The Lebanese University has its academic and national footprint and its global role for all components of the country.

The Council examines the agenda and decides to postpone the decision on the candidatures requiring the presence of the President of the profession (which is the subject of the discussion in the Council). It returns the applications fulfilling the conditions and is accepted and accepted by the Technical Committee.

He has instructed the administration "to prepare a list of university records since its inception and licensing as well as the development of colleges and skills, so that the Council can return to this reference as soon as 39, a new application is received ".

The technical committee was responsible for conducting field visits to a number of universities and preparing up-to-date and documented reports on the availability of academic conditions, laboratories and factories required for the study. teaching skills listed in its decrees and submit them to the Council of Higher Education.

The Council continued the question of the formation of the Emergency Committee to prepare a mechanism for the ratification of declarations and certificates issued by universities and subject to the obligation to report to the judiciary. The date of its first meeting has been set to submit its proposal to the Council.

The Director General of Higher Education, Fadi Yarq, told the meeting that "the Council has completed the transfer of all the backlogs of applications received and relating to existing institutions, and will make decisions on each request after receiving the reports. of the Technical Committee.

In response to reports on a number of news sites about "obliging some universities to pay their installments in US dollars, the Council found, after a series of contacts, that" universities For many years have been valuing balances in US dollars and issuing invoices in Lebanese and American dollars together, Paying the fee in Lebanese currency or in dollars as they wish.

Minister Shuhaib met with a delegation of the central office of the University in the movement for the future, chaired by Dr. Mohammed Al-Sumaili and the presence of members, who focused on the University Lebanese and its affiliated faculties, which expressed the wish that the ministry continue to support the Lebanese University and to adopt a university competence and expertise. Political interventions.

Minister Shuhaib badured the delegation that the university was concerned about "its future and its development". He also affirmed "working with its president to give top priority to the owners and the owners' entrance, and submit them to the Ministry of Education with transparency and efficiency, and adhere to established academic rules and procedures. by the procedure ". Law "and hoped that" these two files would achieve high stability and productivity within the university, which would have a positive impact on the level of higher education in Lebanon "

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