We have developed an outstanding roadmap for integrated waste management


Environment Minister Fadi Jreissati said: "I believe in what I do and the authority must be serious and not bear the luxury of procrastination.We have established an extraordinary roadmap for integrated waste management in this exceptional period. "

"We have the biggest challenge is to find the plant sites, especially under public opposition, and we convert 980 random dumps into 25 health sites.We are serious about sorting at source and have sent a circular to the Development and Reconstruction Council to start sorting in 20 municipalities as part of the work of the two operators We have also formally asked the Municipality of Beirut to start sorting at the source.

Source: National Agency of Information

This article, "Fadi Gritsati: We have developed an outstanding roadmap for integrated waste management" adapted from the site (Al-Manar range), and does not reflect in any way the site's policy or point of view, and the responsibility is the new or the authenticity of the source of the new origin.

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