Ahlam reveals the last state of health of her friend Fajr Al Saeed


The United Arab Emirates artist Ahlam revealed the evolution of the health status of her friend Fajr al-Said, and published a photo of the latter on her home page on "Instagram", announcing its improvement but slowly.

Dreams reveal the health status of Al-Saeed

Ahlam, in his message to Fajr Al-Saeed, expressed his great pride for his friendship and promised to the public that he would come back safe and sound: "I am proud to have known one day," he said. she said. , I am proud to be my friend and my twin friend"He said.

Ahlam added, "I am proud to be able to conquer every day her feelings of pain and one ear at a time, I promise her that she will come back even if she does not expect you."

Over the past few days, Ahlam has been appealing to his Kuwaiti friend Fajr Al-Saeed for blood poisoning as a result of a medical mistake and accompanied her for a trip to France in order to prevent her from getting sick. receive appropriate treatment.

Dreams in Saudi Arabia

For its part, the artist Ahlam has confirmed that his planned concert in Saudi Arabia will not be canceled because of his accompaniment of Fajr Al-Saeed during his treatment trip to France. She said in an Instagram post that the concert was going on and will be held on August 16th at the Talal Maddah Theater in Abha. All his people promised a royal ceremony that would not be forgotten.

She will also perform in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as part of the Arab Forum of Literature, Poets and Intellectuals at Okaz Souk on August 30th..

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