The performance of the handsome master who was one of the symbols of the tutelage time is better


A member of the Phalange political bureau, Serge Dagher, said: "We developed the concept of opposition 3 years ago until today and we are serious about it. only serious team in Lebanon is the opposition. " He asked, "Where is the authority every month? The government has not met."

"With all the respect that everyone deserves from the president of the republic and from one party to the prime minister and from one party to all parties, they are all the problem," said Daguerre in a television interview, referring to the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblak, "Prime Minister Saad Hariri says all day:" I can not do anything ", and the Al-Ahed team, which has eleven ministers, says we are stuck so we can not produce it. "

The question is not where the opposition is, but where is the authority, "adding that" the opposition can not produce, but can propose solutions and suggestions for projects, and we have presented a alternative plan in case of crisis. Waste, for example, then presented to the former Minister of the Environment and President of the Republic. "

Dagher pointed out that "we are in a minute ready to go down the street", noting that "there is an authority and an opposition and that a third team is responsible for what is happening is the Lebanese people The situation as it is. "

He added: "The performance of the deputy Jamil al-Sayed, who was one of the symbols of the time of the tutelage, is better, that gives figures in the interventions and only takes there are no teams, and all the numbers are true. " Bankruptcy State Why do you want to buy a $ 7 million building? "Why does Touch want to rent an expensive building in downtown Beirut? Why does not the company rent a building located on the Metn's coast or is it just for waste disposal? "

Mr. Hariri and all the participants in the Authority without exception stated that "mismanagement is one of them", calling on Mr. Hariri "to examine the problems that control the Lebanese reality by organizing a meeting of the Council of Ministers in soon as possible".

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